Thursday, December 19, 2013

Practicum Teachers' Christmas Party

My youngest sister had their  Christmas party sometime this week.  I grabbed these photos from her friend's page in Facebook.  I chatted with  my friend the other night and she told me that  this is  their's last week of school.  I haven't  talk to my sister yet but I am sure that she will be going home  next week.  I hope that I could talk to my mother when she come to Legazpi.  I miss my family back home especially during Christmas time.  If only I could  go home... I could only wish..
Everyone in my place told me that I look like my Mom but looking at my sister, she look  more like my  Mom than I do.  I will share an old photo of my  Mom sometime here in  this blog so you will see.


  1. I can't wait to see all the photos sees! <3 I hope you guys can talk soon!

  2. hahaa..she have some funny companies there too, i like how they have all those faces on the camera.

  3. I'm sure you'll see your family someday.

  4. Your sister is pretty, my first time to comment on this blog.


Thank you for visiting and for taking time to jot down something for me to read. God Bless!

Mae Amore

Rebuilding a House that was Burned by the Fire

I think the worse natural disaster is fire.  With typhoon, your house may get torn into pieces but at least you can still salvage some of it...
