Friday, June 9, 2017

A Surprise #BirthdayGift

I was doing some reports in the office when I received a package delivery from  LBC.  I was very surprised as I wasn't expecting anything.  I was also  worried to open it because I don't know the sender but I had a feeling it  will be good.  My ever thoughtful and loving  sister, my Ate, found a way to  surprise me.  Her birthday is tomorrow and  my birthday  comes  a day after her.  Thank you very much Ate, I love it!  Sorry, I wasn't able to send you anything since I have been traveling (my excuse ha ha ha).  Happy birthday to us, I miss and love you!

I am back in the office for now as we are done auditing. I definitely love the traveling part of my new job.  I get to see places that I would have not traveled  yet if I did not change my line of work so I am very happy about that.  I will be 24 this weekend and I am so blessed to have been given  opportunities.  I will always be grateful to my sister and  her husband for  truly supporting me and sending me to college.  I  wouldn't be enjoying all of these without their help so thank you Kuya John and Ate.

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Monday, June 5, 2017

Bonded with My Mom: What a Birthday Treat!

As I have mentioned in my previous posts, I am blessed to have been traveling  with my boss lately on my new job doing audits of  the office branches  around the country.  I was very happy when it was time to  audit the offices  in my region because I got to  visit my Mother for a brief period of time and we got to bond for few days before coming back here in Manila again.  I had to  re-schedule the  dates of my  trips and pay for it but  it's worth it.  
Ever since I came to Manila, I have been worrying about Mama .  Although my brother is there with her, I worried that she won't take care of her health and get sick again.  Now I feel how my sister feels being far away.  I know, my distance is nothing compared to Ate but with my line of work, I can't just  take off and visit  Mama anytime I want.  Ate asked me if I can visit  Mama on Mother's Day but I told her that I couldn't but I am so glad that I got the chance with  this job-related trip. 

I am now back in Manila and having a break from traveling. I am back to office and just taking my time to recuperate. I am surprised that I don't get car sick anymore. When I was a kid, I used to get car sick every time Mama take me somewhere.  I am so glad, I got over it, I think God is looking on me so thank you Papa Jesus!
The visit to my mother was a great advance birthday treat for me.  I want to take this opportunity to greet Ate a happy birthday.  She celebrates her birthday a day before mine.  Salamat  for all the help Ate, I would not be where I am now without you and Kuya.  I am grateful that you supported me financially and  emotionally during my college days.  Without your encouragement, I won't enjoy  what I have now so thank you and  may God bless you on your birthday and  always!

Rebuilding a House that was Burned by the Fire

I think the worse natural disaster is fire.  With typhoon, your house may get torn into pieces but at least you can still salvage some of it...
