I was doing some reports in the office when I received a package delivery from LBC. I was very surprised as I wasn't expecting anything. I was also worried to open it because I don't know the sender but I had a feeling it will be good. My ever thoughtful and loving sister, my Ate, found a way to surprise me. Her birthday is tomorrow and my birthday comes a day after her. Thank you very much Ate, I love it! Sorry, I wasn't able to send you anything since I have been traveling (my excuse ha ha ha). Happy birthday to us, I miss and love you!
I am back in the office for now as we are done auditing. I definitely love the traveling part of my new job. I get to see places that I would have not traveled yet if I did not change my line of work so I am very happy about that. I will be 24 this weekend and I am so blessed to have been given opportunities. I will always be grateful to my sister and her husband for truly supporting me and sending me to college. I wouldn't be enjoying all of these without their help so thank you Kuya John and Ate.