Saturday, July 27, 2013

Contagious Smiles of my Niece and Nephews

When I left my country eight years ago, my niece, Hazel Ann was  just  a kid.  I mean she was 6 years old back then and now, she is  becoming a  pretty  little lass already.

Then when we visited  my family back home for the first time, my sister had another baby, and now he is  getting big too.
Don't they all have infectious/contagious smiles?

Their Mom is the closest sister of all my siblings. We got along so well when we were  still  singles.   I miss them terribly.  It's sad that they are growing up and I seldom see them as we are thousand miles apart.


  1. The all look handsome and beautiful. Lucky Aunt you are.

  2. they all look really happy. i love those smiles.

  3. Awww! She is beautiful Sis and what a beautiful smile. Look how happy they are, so precious :-)

  4. Sorry mommy rose my comment automatically publish without my knowledge here we go I continue I said I left ph. 7 years ago my brother grown so fast just like your niece and nephews glad your be able to them through social network or something. Miss my family bk home.

  5. When you're smiling, the whole world smiles with you!
    ROG, ABC Wednesday team

  6. They are absolutely gorgeous children! I can understand how you would miss them all terribly.

    abcw team

  7. Beautiful family, Rose!
    Wil, ABCW Team

  8. Those smiles are so content and innocent. Love them.

  9. Oh, yes, wonderful smiles! I miss the children in my family, too, and they change so much even though I see them twice a year.

  10. Contagious indeed Sis Rose :-) You are one proud Aunt of that beautiful niece of yours :-)

  11. Awe! Cute smiles from the young ones. :)

  12. I am so glad that FB exists. I can see my nieces and nephews faces all the time. You are right, their smile is contagious. Now, I am smiling. :)

  13. Awwww, they all look cute! I'm gonna miss them too if I was their aunt.


Thank you for visiting and for taking time to jot down something for me to read. God Bless!

Mae Amore

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