Thursday, December 11, 2014

How age Affects your Chances of Getting Pregnant

I was already in my 30-ish when I got  hitched so I thought getting pregnant would be so much harder.  I feel the fear when  after over a year of trying, hubby and I are still trying without luck.  But I think that a lot of  it was the fact that we were living so far away and I was stressed out and anxious.  He would just come to my country  to visit and stay  a week or two.  Thanks God that I got pregnant after  a year and  several months of trying.

We all know that age and fertility are important factors in getting pregnant. Women are at the peak of fertility in their early twenties and as they grow older their fertility begins to slowly decrease from there, according to Women in their twenties are ready for pregnancy, and probably will be for a while if you decide to wait to start your family. That said, pregnancy at any age has advantages and disadvantages. 

At age 40 and above women have reduced fertility potential as compared to that seen in younger women. However, this does not automatically mean that it is impossible to get pregnant when you are older. Pregnancytips has shared the effective ways and tips on what to do if you are trying to get pregnant later in life. If you plan to get pregnant at the age of 30-45, there are many techniques that you can try to get pregnant with the help of your doctor.

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Mae Amore

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