Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Overseas Call/Talk with Mama

My youngest sister went home to be with Mama this past Christmas.  I wish I could be with Mama every Christmas!  I sent Mama some money for Christmas but  she said she will be using it to  repair the damge at the house that the typhhoon caused.  I was going to call  them  on Christmas but there was no signal there and they  also had a black out  ever since the typhoon hit.   So I waited for  them to come to  the city  before I called.
Glad to see Mama again even on pictures.  To hear her voice makes me cry, I want to hug her but I can't.  My sister said that they really miss us as well.
I wish I could convince Mama to come over here.  She is still refusing to entertain the thought of flying.  I hope we could visit the Philippines soon.  I am missing them terribly!  It's been  years since I last seen them.

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Thank you for visiting and for taking time to jot down something for me to read. God Bless!

Mae Amore

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